Safety Tips Before, During and After a Power Outage
A power outage refers to a state of electric power loss in a given area or power grid, which can happen short or long term. It often happens when are there storms, but it can also happen because of any small structural damages or issues. So, expect it can occur anytime and anywhere, planned or unexpected. This can also last for a few days or longer and can disrupt water, communications, transportation, banks, stores, and other needed services.

Do These Before a Power Outage
Now that you know that power outages can happen in a long term, it is important that you prepare ahead of time. You can do this by signing up for alert systems and apps, installing some smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, planning for your medical and electrical needs, planning for surge protection at home. Most importantly, ensure that you hire professionals residential or commercial electrical contractors Atlanta GA to secure that your power lines in the building are properly installed.
Do These During a Power Outage
Now, just in case power outages happen, you can do the following:
1. Always keep in touch with your support network – always update people in your network that you are okay. Update each other on your situation. Although constant communication is not necessary, frequent exchanges of updates may be needed especially if the cause of the power outage is a storm or any natural disaster.
2. Always monitor alerts – remember the apps and alert systems you availed of? You need them now. Check local weather reports and ensure that your notification sound is turned on. Some local officials may also come at your door for updates and alerts so be vigilant.
3. Take notice of your fridge – when electricity is reported to be longer than a day, take notice of your food in the fridge. Eat the perishable food first to avoid food waste and avoid opening the fridge and freezer if not needed to preserve the cool temperature. A full freezer can stay cold for up to two days if left unopened.
4. Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning – Avoid using a stove or anything that uses gas for cooking or heating your home. If you need to cook through it, make sure that it is in a well-ventilated area.
5. Prevent fire hazards – before a power outage, it is important you unplug appliances and electronics. If the power outage is unexpected, immediately turn off and unplug appliances after the power outage to avoid damages. Power overloads may also happen when the electricity is now back and all appliances are plugged in, turned on, and energy surges to them.
Do These After a Power Outage
Safety measures still need to be done even once the electricity has gone back. We mentioned that once the electricity has gone back, there is a tendency of a power surge. This is why you should not immediately turn on appliances all at once. If you also happen to see fallen power lines, keep your distance for at least 35 feet. Also, avoid going into a flooded area or using any electrical tool that has been wetted. This is important especially when there is a storm and flood before, during, and after the power outage. Do not hesitate to call for help in times of emergency.