How Can I Cut My Risk of Getting COVID if I Live in an Apartment?   

In the past two years, governments have enforced laws for people and returning travelers to get home-quarantined for a couple of days, or for people to home isolate for a couple of months. Now, if you live in an apartment and have to go out for groceries and other important tasks, you need to reduce the risk of infection, especially since you have other people living with you.   

There have been reported cases of COVID spread among people sharing confined spaces and that includes apartment spaces. While there are house cleaning services Pittsburgh PA that are effective to remove bacteria and viruses, you still need to do your role and responsibilities.  

The following are the things you can do to avoid getting covid even if you live in an apartment:  

1. Always watch out for garbage area and laundry – living in the apartment means shared equipment when it comes to doing laundry and garbage spaces. Shared gyms, laundries, and indoor garbage areas are risky spaces especially when your apartment does not have proper ventilation.   

The best thing you can do is to arrange a route that gives people in the apartment access at a certain time and ensure that there is at least an hour elapsed in between. Also, you can have a combined washer-dryer in the bathroom or kitchen. This can be a good investment since we can expect that pandemic is far to end.   

2. Do not go to poorly ventilated spaces – you have a greater chance to catch the COVID virus when you are in a poorly ventilated area since the air continues circulating within the space. At least wear your mask when you go to these spaces. Or better yet, ensure that your space contains good ventilation and is regularly cleaned and sanitized.  

3. Always wear your mask before opening the door on your way out. A lot of people wear masks but the timing is also necessary. Before you opened the door to the outside, make sure that you already have worn your gear, in this case, your mask. Wear this mask even when just receiving deliveries or letting in some guests and visitors.   

4. Ask about the elevator – as an occupant, you have the right to ask for the lift or elevator’s health protocols and even suggest some things. Ask for the capacity of the elevator and ask if a purifier can be installed inside.   

6. care about if you smell your neighbor’s cooking dish – the reason why you are able to smell their dishes’ aroma is that you two are sharing air. This can be equated to what we call air leakage. Take note of this and do necessary interventions. You can install a HEPA air purifier in your room to reduce the risk, and advice your neighboring room to do the same. You can even seal up the wall or door with an adhesive material to block off the air leakage.   

7. Do regular cleaning – cleaning with antibacterial soaps can reduce the risk of infection. Always schedule cleaning within your room. 

Foods to Avoid for a Healthier Set Teeth  

A smile can make an impression, and this is why oral hygiene needs to be maintained. And unfortunately, no matter what age you are in, the reasons for tooth decay remain the same: everything you take inside your mouth (of course, besides the frequency of teeth brushing). Just because excellent dentist Raleigh services are present does not mean that you rely heavily on them and forget to do your part.   

Tooth decay often happens when bacteria build up on the teeth that feed on the sugar from the food that you eat. Those sugars build up cavities that may even form plaque. Cavities are formed from bacteria metabolizing these sugars that turn them into acid, damaging your teeth. Yep, this is the reason why sugary foods are the number one enemy against a good set of teeth.   

The following are the foods that contribute to tooth decay including sugary foods:  

1. Sugary foods like candies and sweets – foods like candies, cakes, pies, cookies, chocolates, and others really contribute to faster tooth decay. Besides diabetes, sweet foods and delicacies that stay longer in your mouth and settle on your teeth or in between them attract bacteria and cause cavities. Hard candies that stay long such as jelly beans, lollipops, caramels, and others that can be difficult to wash away by the saliva are on the top list. Now, if you really cannot hold yourself from eating candies and your favorite dessert, just remember to eat those that quickly dissolve. Also, eat them after meals and minutes before brushing your teeth and never in between meals.   

2. Citrus fruit and wine – citrus fruits can be seen as part of a healthy diet. However, when you eat them on their own on a frequent basis, the acid from these fruits is enough to wear away the tooth enamel which leaves your teeth more vulnerable to decay and cavities. If you plan on drinking their juices, we recommend that you use a straw so the citric acids bypass your teeth and avoid damage.   

Additionally, white and red wine contain acid too, which leads to the same damaging effects. Moreover, red wine contains tannins, a kind of compound that is staining to the teeth. Make sure that you brush your teeth thoroughly to avoid stains and acid settling on the teeth.   

3. Soft drinks and sports drinks – soft drinks typically contain a lot of sugar in them, which again contributes to bacteria and cavities. How about sugar-free soft drinks? Less sugary drinks still have acid in them that damages enamel and tooth, in general, so there is no escape from the damage. Especially sports drinks, which contain too many carbohydrates and viscous liquids. The thickened liquid can stay in your mouth for too long, attracting bacteria.   

It is recommended that you drink unsweetened tea or water to fuel your body, and avoid any kinds of juices in general. Water is healthy, overall.   

4. Pasta sauce – tomatoes are acidic and when you eat them with pasta that contains carbs, it doubles the damage that your enamel gets.   


The bottom line is that anything that contains sugar and acid should be avoided. Of course, proper and thorough teeth brushing is required too. 

Safety Tips Before, During and After a Power Outage  

A power outage refers to a state of electric power loss in a given area or power grid, which can happen short or long term. It often happens when are there storms, but it can also happen because of any small structural damages or issues. So, expect it can occur anytime and anywhere, planned or unexpected. This can also last for a few days or longer and can disrupt water, communications, transportation, banks, stores, and other needed services.   

Do These Before a Power Outage 

Now that you know that power outages can happen in a long term, it is important that you prepare ahead of time. You can do this by signing up for alert systems and apps, installing some smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, planning for your medical and electrical needs, planning for surge protection at home.  Most importantly, ensure that you hire professionals residential or commercial electrical contractors Atlanta GA to secure that your power lines in the building are properly installed.  

Do These During a Power Outage  

Now, just in case power outages happen, you can do the following:  

1. Always keep in touch with your support network – always update people in your network that you are okay. Update each other on your situation. Although constant communication is not necessary, frequent exchanges of updates may be needed especially if the cause of the power outage is a storm or any natural disaster.   

2. Always monitor alerts – remember the apps and alert systems you availed of? You need them now. Check local weather reports and ensure that your notification sound is turned on. Some local officials may also come at your door for updates and alerts so be vigilant.   

3. Take notice of your fridge – when electricity is reported to be longer than a day, take notice of your food in the fridge. Eat the perishable food first to avoid food waste and avoid opening the fridge and freezer if not needed to preserve the cool temperature. A full freezer can stay cold for up to two days if left unopened.   

4. Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning – Avoid using a stove or anything that uses gas for cooking or heating your home. If you need to cook through it, make sure that it is in a well-ventilated area.   

5. Prevent fire hazards – before a power outage, it is important you unplug appliances and electronics. If the power outage is unexpected, immediately turn off and unplug appliances after the power outage to avoid damages. Power overloads may also happen when the electricity is now back and all appliances are plugged in, turned on, and energy surges to them.   

Do These After a Power Outage  

Safety measures still need to be done even once the electricity has gone back. We mentioned that once the electricity has gone back, there is a tendency of a power surge. This is why you should not immediately turn on appliances all at once. If you also happen to see fallen power lines, keep your distance for at least 35 feet. Also, avoid going into a flooded area or using any electrical tool that has been wetted. This is important especially when there is a storm and flood before, during, and after the power outage. Do not hesitate to call for help in times of emergency.   

Elevate Your Bachelor Pad with These Stylish Tips  

Bachelor pads are known to be simple and minimalist. However, simple does not mean bland and pale. There are still many things you can do to transform your pad into a stylized and refined one without compromising your comfort and style preferences.   

While there are many services you can hire to ensure that you have the most recent and cozy pad like the Orange County architecture firms and other trusted companies, you will still need to know some important things you can have and do so you have something you can benchmark on. Follow these:  

Emphasize your collections and/or hobbies  

Your collection, whether it be cars, anime, or video games, can serve you better than just being an entertainment object. They can serve as your décor that will definitely fashion your pad into something that shows off your personality. As a bachelor, your pad can give an impression to friends and even on a new love interest. Of course, if you have a collection of any accessories, the more they will be an asset to your pad.   

Put some art  

Art does not need to be a feminine feature. Gone are the days that being artistic meant being feminine. A unique piece of art can transform your pad especially if it looks or feels like blah. Putting on some colors in a frame can actually make a huge difference. Popping some pillows on the couch can also do some magic.   

Show off your game room  

A game room is not that necessary in a bachelor’s pad. However, if you like gaming or you like certain sports, you may like to have a game room. One way to show off is to put some frames on the wall or a collection wall where you put some of your collected items. Moreover, utilize some good lighting as well as some good furniture that will complement the kind of sports you like. If you like computer games, a techy style of game room will definitely be a good look.  

Have some subtle patterns  

Variety is nice, but too much of it may make your pad look chaotic and disorganized, leading to an unappealing pad look. Different materials, textures, and colors surely will jazz up your place but harmonize them in certain patterns to make them appealing to look at.   

Maximize what your rugs can do  

Accent rugs really provide a huge difference in terms of appearance in the overall space. The floor consists of the entire lower space and so it definitely will make a difference even though you are not paying too much attention to it. It can tie the whole space and create the patterns that we mentioned previously.   

Invest in your lighting  

No matter how neat the place may be, if it does not get the lighting the space needs, all your elements will be put to waste, as they will not be emphasized. There are a plethora of ways to achieve good lighting. If you don’t have bigger windows for natural light, you can opt for lamps, pendant light, or a statement chandelier.